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Take The Guesswork Out Of Gardening With A Soil Test

Soil testing is a valuable tool to ensure success in your lawn and garden.  It provides a quick and accurate determination of the pH (acidity) and the level of several plant essential nutrients like: phosphorous, potassium, calcium, and magnesium.  These results will help guide your decisions on plant selection, soil preparation, and fertilization.  These decisions have a huge impact on whether your plants and lawn thrive or become victim to insect attack and fungal or bacterial diseases.  Over or under fertilization can be the difference in a beautiful lawn and garden or an eye-sore.  Good soil fertility can also help your lawn compete with weeds.   Many weed species thrive in poor fertility soil.
Soil testing can be done at any time of the year, but winter months provide a great opportunity to prepare for the spring.  If pH changes need to be made then it gives a chance for it to work before fertilization in the spring.  Below is a link to instructions on how to take a soil test.

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