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What is Management Over Medication?

What is Management Over Medication?

By Casey Zangaro

Swine management is the practice of managing and caring for pigs in a way that promotes their health and well-being while minimizing the need for medication. Overuse of medication in swine production can have impacts on animal health, the environment, and human health, it also influences the financial health of the operation. Implementing an effective biosecurity plan that takes into consideration  whole farm production is essential to having a good herd health status, which results in a productive and profitable operation. Being attentive and observant to the animals in your care should be the Key values of swine management over medication:

  1. Prevention: Preventing disease is key to reducing the need for medication. This includes maintaining proper sanitation and hygiene, providing adequate nutrition, and housing. The implementation of  biosecurity measures aimed at preventing the  introduction of disease to the herd is key for risk mitigation. Prevention includes following simple biosecurity measures and a having a management plan for pest control.
  2. Early detection and treatment: Early detection is key when treating health issues in pigs. Daily observation, regular health monitoring and prompt treatment can reduce the need for medication by addressing issues before they become severe and require more intensive treatment. Having a herd veterinarian is essential for sourcing medication for pigs that require it but also to assist with maintaining a herd in good health status. Whether it is as simple as separation from the herd for observation or getting a veterinarian involved in the case of medications are needed. A VCPR (Veterinarian-Client-Patient Relationship) is essential for herd health. Veterinarian-support herd health plan should include proper vaccinations and dewormer based on the current herd’s health.
  3. Proper use of medication: When medication is necessary, it should be used properly and judiciously. This includes using the right medication for the specific disease or condition affecting the animal, following proper dosages and administration methods, and adhering to withdrawal periods to ensure that meat products are safe for human consumption.

Overall, swine management over medication is a holistic approach to pig care that prioritizes disease prevention and early detection of health issues, along with a judicious use of medication when necessary. It is a simple yet comprehensive concept that can assist in overall herd health and efficiencies on the farm.

For more information, please feel free to look over the Management over Medication webpage via the MSU Extension pork website.

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Guardians of Swine Health - Unveiling the PRRS/PEDV Enigma with Dr. Gisele from Lanxess

Video: Guardians of Swine Health - Unveiling the PRRS/PEDV Enigma with Dr. Gisele from Lanxess

Welcome to a riveting episode of "Guardians of Swine Health," where we embark on a journey through the intricate tapestry of swine health. Joining us today is the esteemed Dr. Gisele from Lanxess, a beacon in the field of biosecurity. Together, we delve into the enigma of PRRS and PEDV, unraveling the complexities that challenge swine herds worldwide. Exploring the Viral Enigma: Dr. Gisele takes center stage, guiding us through a captivating PowerPoint presentation. She unravels the mysteries surrounding PRRS and PEDV, shedding light on the pathogens that threaten the respiratory, reproductive, and digestive systems of our beloved swine populations. Focus on Critical Gaps: Our exploration zeroes in on the critical gaps that persist during disinfection and cleaning practices. Dr. Gisele, with her wealth of expertise, navigates us through the nuances of biosecurity, emphasizing the need for a holistic approach in safeguarding swine herds. Cost Savings through Strategic Biosecurity: The presentation takes an insightful turn as Dr. Gisele unveils the economic impact of strategic biosecurity measures. She demonstrates how a robust approach not only protects swine health but also translates into substantial cost savings for farmers. It's a win-win for both the pigs and the pocketbook.

Key Points:

1. Understanding PRRS and PEDV:

o Dr. Gisele provides a comprehensive overview of the PRRS and PEDV pathogens, ensuring a deep understanding of the threats faced by swine herds.

2. Navigating Biosecurity Gaps:

o The discussion explores the critical gaps in current disinfection and cleaning practices, offering insights on how to fortify these weak points.

3. Cost-Effective Strategies:

o Dr. Gisele unveils actionable strategies that not only enhance swine health but also contribute to significant cost savings for farmers.

Conclusion: As Dr. Gisele concludes her presentation, we're left with a profound appreciation for the intricate dance between science and practicality in swine health. This episode serves as a beacon for farmers, veterinarians, and enthusiasts alike, guiding them in the relentless pursuit of safeguarding our swine herds against the enigmatic threats of PRRS and PEDV.