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Wheat yields on par with past years

Ontario winter wheat producers recently completed their 2018 harvest and are preparing for the 2019 planting season.

This year, winter wheat yields are between 60 to 85 bushels per acre. Despite the variability of weather across the province during the growing season, winter wheat yields are average and moisture, quality, and test weight are acceptable. Agricorp will begin mailing Production Insurance payments in September to producers who had yield losses.

Although crops wintered well in many areas, winter wheat farmers in western Ontario received reseeding payments earlier this year of $1.2 million as heavy rains and extended cool spring conditions reduced stands. The yield map below shows winter wheat yields across Ontario.

Click to view yield map

Claim prices for fall-seeded crops
Floating claim prices are designed to compensate customers at current market prices and are set after harvest using market prices from July and August. Fixed claim prices are set at renewal time and provide a set value, which offers a lower premium cost alternative to the floating claim price.

For more information, see Production Insurance for winter wheat.

Source : Aagricorp

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