Detailed Description
2014,24row20, exact emerge electric drive, 18,141+/-acres, active down force, 2pt hitch, electric drive with power generator, yetter air row cleaners, fertilizer, markers
Additional Description
Frame: Flex Fold, Hopper: Central Fill System, Metering System: Finger Pickup, Options: Electric Drive, Row Spacing: 20 in, Rows: 24, Specifications: Tractor Attaching Components for 8000, 8010, 8020, 8030 and 8R Series Wheel and Track Row Crop Tractors; Central Commodity System; Two Point Hitch; Electric Drive with Power Generation; Electric Drive ExactEmerge Meter; Tru-Vee Openers with Single Walking Gauge Wheels; Steel Scrapers; Active Pneumatic Down Force System; Rubber Tyre Closing Wheels; SeedStar XP Monitor System Less Tractor Harness, Less Display, Less Radar; Trench-Delivery System with ExactRate Sensor; Unit Mounted Coulter with 0.63 In. 25 Fluted Blades; Tri-Fold Markers with 16 In. Notched Disk, Depth Gauging Band and Control Independent of Planter Lift; Regular Parallel Arms; ExactEmerge Corn Bowl; ExactEmerge Soybean Bowl;