Additional Description
Cab: Cab, Configuration: Standard, Front Axle: MFWD, Guidance Display: No, Guidance Receiver: No, Guidance-ready: No, Loader: Yes, Options: Loader Ready, Rear PTO: 540, Tire Width: Mid, Transmission: Power Reverser, Specifications: English Operators Manual and Decal Kit; 24F/12R PowrReverser Transmission - 540/540E; Standard Cab; Air Suspension Seat; Deluxe Cornerpost Exhaust; Dual Stackable Rear SCV's with Lever Control; Dual Stackable Mid Valves with Joystick Control; 460/85R30 (18.4R30) R1W Radial; MFWD (4 Wheel Drive); 320/85R24 (12.4R24) R1W Radial; Loader Preparation Package;