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2023 Greenhouse Cup

2023 Greenhouse Cup

A little footie action for the migrant workers of Ontario.

By Andrew Joseph,

Oleeee, ole, ole, oleeee. Oleeee. Oleeee.

If you know the sing-song rhythm of the above phrase, you know it can only mean one thing—football, aka, soccer. Okay, two things.

Presented by the 2023 Health and Information Fair, and hosted by the Migrant Worker Community Program (MWCP) and Ontario Greenhouse Vegetable Growers (OGVG), it’s time for the Greenhouse Cup.

Held over two weekends, on May 28 and June 4, 2023, the Greenhouse Cup provides Ontario’s migrant workers with the opportunity to get outside and have some fun, and to develop a sense of belonging within the migrant worker community.

The soccer/football game made an appearance last year, and was a tremendous success.

The MWCP and OGVG fully understand how important migrant workers are to our community and know that the workers and their families will enjoy the sporting event—whether as participant or audience over the two weekends.

Something new this year is the grand festival for the football/soccer finals on June 4, 2023,  which will include mini games, food vendors, music, a clown, and raffle prizes. The whole community is welcome to attend!

Date: May 28th & June 4th, 2023
Time: 2pm
Location: 165 Mersea Rd, 12, Leamington, Ontario

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