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Answering questions about Saskatchewan’s road rules for farm equipment

Answering questions about Saskatchewan’s road rules for farm equipment
Aug 21, 2017
By Diego Flammini
Assistant Editor, North American Content,

Harvest time means more farm equipment will be present on provincial roads

By Diego Flammini
Assistant Editor, North American Content

A recent article tested farmers on their knowledge when it comes to driving and transporting farm equipment on Saskatchewan roads.

So without any hesitation, here are the correct responses and explanations.

1) The speed limit for all farm equipment in Saskatchewan is 40 km/h.

The answer is false.

According to the Agricultural Health and Safety Network, different pieces of equipment have different speed limits.

Tractors and tractors with an air seeder cannot exceed speeds of 40 km/h.

But combines with attached headers cannot exceed speeds of 32 km/h.

2) If an implement is wider than 6 m (19 ft.), it should be equipped with flashing lamps or flags.

The answer is false.

According to Saskatchewan Government Insurance (SGI), equipment wider than 4 m (13 ft.) should have flashing lamps or flags.

3) If machinery is equipped with a white lamp on the rear and is operating at night, the lamp should be turned on and pointed straight back.

The answer is false.

According to SGI, the white lamp should either be turned off, or pointed down to the ground.

4) Farm machinery being transported via truck or trailer requires a permit for travel on a provincial highway if the machinery is more than 3.5 m (11 ft.) wide.

The answer is false.

According to SGI, if the equipment is wider than 2.6 m (8 ft 6 inches) wide, a permit is required.

5) When operating at ______ or less, a piece of machinery must have a slow moving vehicle sign.

The answer is 40 km/h.

6) When either operated or towed, farm equipment is exempt from weight on all public roadways.

The answer is true.

7) Starting the Friday before Victoria Day and ending on Labour Day, it is illegal to move loaded farm equipment after 3:00 p.m. on Fridays.

The answer is true, according to the Ministry of Highways and Infrastructure.

It’s also illegal to move loaded farm equipment during these times:

  • After 12 p.m. (noon) on Sundays, Public Holidays, December 24, 27, and 31.
  • After 3 p.m. on the day prior to a Public Holiday.  If a Holiday falls on a Monday, normal Sunday restrictions apply.
  • After 3 p.m. on Fridays, when a Public Holiday falls on the following Saturday, Sunday, or Monday.

8) Tractors and other self-propelled equipment must have two white tail lamps visible from the back.

The answer is false.

According to Agricultural Health and Safety Network, tractors and other self-propelled equipment must have two red tail lights visible from the back.

i9) You do not have to wear a seat belt when operating farm equipment if the equipment is traveling at 40 km/h or less.

The answer is true.

10) When travelling from a dealership to your farm in a piece of machinery, you must have a farm escort vehicle.

The answer is true.

How many questions did you answer correctly?

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