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Canada Expands Market Access in Japan for Canadian Beef

Canadian Government Helps Improve Export Beef Market in Japan

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The Government of Canada has reached a new deal with Japan to enhance market access to Canadian beef. The access is for beef cattle less than 30 months of age, which is an improvement compared to the old requirements, which only permitted beef exports from animals less than 21 months of age. Expanding the age requirement will provide Canada will better export access to Japan with exports expected to reach $150 million annually.

"Our Government welcomes this expanded access for Canadian beef into the valuable Japanese market,” said Minister Ritz. "This agreement will put more top quality Canadian beef on Japanese store shelves while strengthening our producers' bottom lines and growing our overall economy.”

The revised regulations will come into effect Feb 1, 2013. Japan is Canada’s third-largest export market for beef. Since the 2003 case of Bovine Spongiform Encephalopathy (BSE) found in an animal in Canada, government and industry has been working hard to reopen markets - like Japan, which have taken years of negotiation.

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