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Canadian Government Invests in Agriculture

National Traceability Database Could Give Canadian Livestock Boost in World Markets

The Federal government has released information regarding a database that could potentially transform business for Canadian livestock producers. The announcement comes as a relief to consumers who are increasingly questioning where their food comes from, as well as its safety for consumption.

Gerry Ritz, Minister of Agriculture, announced the database as a way to address the concerns of consumers. He points out that this is an opportunity for databases of various Canadian industries to be brought together under a single portal. Ritz claims this database will be easier to maintain and would provide more accurate information for producers and distributors, as well as consumers.

This is seen as a benefit for Canadian livestock products that are sold overseas. This is the first database of its kind in the world which has put Canada in the lead for ensuring its products are safe and transparent. It also provides greater trust with trading partners like Japan and the European Union in Canadian livestock.

The livestock industry is one that is dependent on quality and trust. When a country is unable to swiftly determine the quality of the product they are trading, it puts the entire industry at risk. With this national database Canada can ensure the markets that disease outbreaks are contained, as well as limiting the need for product recalls. The database also has implications for the safety and well-being of herds in Canada.  The service could provide real time data that could protect entire herds from severe weather conditions. The service which will see an investment of $7.5 million dollars from the federal government should be functional within two years according to the minister.

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