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Four NA equipment dealer groups to merge

Four NA equipment dealer groups to merge

Equipment dealer groups agree to merger to provide a singular financially secure association for its members.

By Andrew Joseph,

According to the National Association of Farm Broadcasters, four dealer associations across Canada and the US have voted to merge to create the new North American Equipment Dealers Association (NAEDA).

The four merging associations are the Midwest-SouthEastern Equipment Dealers Association, the United Equipment Dealers Association, the Western Equipment Dealers Association, and the Equipment Dealers Association whose members voted to the plan to create the new equipment dealers’ group.

For the Equipment Dealers Association, the merger is a return to its original name of NAEDA, which it changed in 2015.

The North American Equipment Dealers Association will continue its representation of equipment dealers on providing manufacturer relations with federal government affairs in Ottawa and Washington, D.C.

The organization will also continue to represent dealers in their 24 US state capitals and nine Canadian provinces—although at this moment, only the provinces of British Columbia, Alberta, Saskatchewan and Manitoba appear to have official representation within the four individual associations.

The new NAEDA association will now see to the needs of a combined 3,000 members.

The merger was a dealer-led process started in October 2018. Full consolidation of the associations is planned for July 1, 2022.

Merging into the new larger organization will, it is hoped, provide financial relief for the association as it will eliminate duplicated costs of offices and processes.

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