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“Got Milk?” Ad Campaign Ousted

After 20 years, the “Got Milk?” campaign has been dropped.

The Milk Processor Education Program, which represents the nation’s milk processors, is replacing the once widely popular marketing ad campaign with a new tagline called “Milk Life”.

The “Got Milk?” line began in 1993, and featured American celebrities wearing milk mustaches, but now the focus is on regular people doing regular things like running outside, walking the dog, playing basketball or teenagers jamming in a rock band.

See video commercial below:

Fluid milk consumption in the United States has been on a steady decline. From 1975 to 2012, milk and cream sales have fallen by 25 percent. Instead, many consumers have switched to other options including soy, almond and coconut milks. The new line of ads aims to get consumers thinking about drinking more milk again. Only time will tell if “Milk Life” can reverse the trend.

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