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Keeping safe during harvest season

Tips from Alberta Agriculture and Forestry

By Diego Flammini,

With all the machinery, tools and livestock that can be on a farm at any given time, safety is a number one priority around harvest season.

“The safety conversation around ‘no one gets hurt’ needs to be the first conversation, first action and first thought farm owners and workers have as they go to work each day,” said Kenda Lubeck, farm safety coordinator, Alberta Agriculture and Forestry, Grande Prairie. “Common discussion around the plan to avoid identified hazards and work to the optimum, not necessarily the maximum, should take place early and often in the harvest season to ensure everyone makes it home safely each night.”

Alberta Agriculture and Forestry has put out some tips on how to identify hazards and the actions to take when trying to eliminate or minimize them.

Harvesting Equipment

  • Only allow properly trained people to operate the equipment
  • Ensure the equipment has been properly maintained
  • Make sure anyone who is out in the fields have some form of communication


  • Get enough sleep every evening
  • Eat foods that will keep you mentally and physically aware
  • Drink water to stay hydrated
  • Stop periodically to stretch

Moulds & Dust

  • Have the correct and clean air filters in place when operating machinery
  • Wear safety goggles and dust masks if necessary
  • Stop periodically to get some fresh air

Safety can be something that gets taken for granted but in the blink of an eye it can become a very real issue that needs to be addressed.

Join the conversation and tell us the kinds of safety measures you employ on your farm during harvest season.

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