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OFA Congratulates New Ontario Premier Kathleen Wynne

Ontario Federation of Agriculture Hopes Wynne Will Be Able to Bridge the Rural and Urban Divide

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The Ontario Federation of Agriculture (OFA) released a statement on Monday, extending its congratulations to the incoming Ontario Premier Kathleen Wynne.

Wynne has said that she will resume the legislature on Feb. 19th, after her successor Dalton McGuinty prorogued the legislature in Oct. 2012.

“Ms. Wynne clearly recognizes the importance of the agriculture and food industry as an economic engine in our province, driving job creation on farms, at processors and through innovation.  She will demonstrate her personal commitment to agriculture and rural Ontario by appointing herself as the minister of agriculture, food and rural affairs for at least one year,” says Mark Wales, President of OFA. “OFA is hopeful Wynne will bridge the perceived Ontario urban and rural divide.  We look forward to meeting with her as premier and minister of agriculture to work on important issues affecting our sector.”

The OFA is the largest general farm organization in Ontario, which seeks to lobby the government while advocating for Ontario farmers.

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