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Ag Groups Taking Hands-Off Approach On Foreign Farmland Ownership

Ag Groups Taking Hands-Off Approach On Foreign Farmland Ownership

By Spencer Chase

Major farm groups are largely staying on the sidelines for now as lawmakers wrestle with constituents' concerns that China and other foreign interests are buying up U.S. cropland and threatening the nation's food security.

As producers gathered to update the policy stances of their respective organizations during the recent “meeting season” stretching from January through early March, a commonality emerged during discussions about foreign entities purchasing U.S. farmland.

If a resolution on the subject was brought forward, it would usually be watered down from its original text or not pass at all.

The trend is a striking contrast with Capitol Hill, where the concern about foreign purchases of American ag acreage and the Agriculture Department’s enforcement of existing law to track it is setting up to be one of the hottest farm policy issues of the year.

A survey of a selection of the nation’s leading farm organizations turned up very few ironclad objections. The National Farmers Union was an exception, though, with policy supporting a prohibition on foreign interests buying “U.S. agricultural lands, holding federal grazing allotments or commercial fishing privileges.”

Now, heading into the final stages of policy formulation before the next farm bill, many organizations either have limited positions or no policy at all.

National Cattlemen’s Beef Association members, for example, were faced with the reality that a desire to halt overseas investment in U.S. farmland could result in restrictions on land sales. Mary-Thomas Hart, the NCBA staffer charged with overseeing the group’s property rights committee, said the issue also raises complex questions about state and federal jurisdiction.

 “There are a number of states across the country that have already implemented state laws based on foreign ownership or foreign acquisition of farmland or ag land,” Hart said. “So where do we draw that line? Do we want to leave that to states to make the decision? Or do we want the federal government to step in? I think those are all going to be parts of this conversation.”

NCBA members ultimately voted in favor of a resolution to encourage the addition of the Secretary of Agriculture to the Committee on Foreign Investment in the United States, a route also favored by some on Capitol Hill to address the issue.

At the recent Commodity Classic, members of the National Corn Growers Association voted down an effort to add opposition to foreign farmland purchases to the group’s policy book.

The American Soybean Association's members also voted down an outright ban on foreign purchases, but did support federal legislation "governing foreign ownership of agricultural land and business that protects U.S. farmers, consumers, national security, and economic interests without limiting soybean industry research or market access.” The latter language was aimed at avoiding a multi-state framework on the issue as legislatures across the country consider the approach in their own respective states.

During the policy discussion and in interviews with Agri-Pulse, leaders of the groups have expressed concern about wording potentially limiting the usage of acres in the United States by foreign-owned agribusinesses seeking to conduct trials or regulatory testing.

“A lot of (the foreign-owned companies) probably had a lot of that land bought before they were consolidated with a foreign owner,” NCGA President Tom Haag said in an interview.

ASA President Daryl Cates said the group decided it did not “want to stifle the land that (those companies) have for research.”

A spokesperson for Syngenta, which was acquired in 2017 by the state-owned ChemChina, said the company’s landholdings in the United States are “used primarily for research required by regulators for product registrations, variety trials and demonstrations that support products we produce for U.S. farmers, or as employee workplaces.”

Several producers also noted the potentially thorny issue of naming certain countries that should be barred from purchasing U.S. acres — most notably China, which holds a relatively small share of total U.S. foreign landholdings — while still courting their business on the global commodities market.

A spokesperson for the National Association of Wheat Growers said the group’s members have discussed the issue but have yet to adopt an official policy.

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Video: How a Desire to Lead Brought This Wheat Breeder to Canada

Gurcharn Singh Brar is a wheat breeder whose path meandered from the breadbaskets of Punjab, India, to the sprawling fields of the Prairies. In a candid conversation, Brar shared insights into his journey, the challenges faced, and the undying passion that fuels his quest for better crops.

It all began with a childhood rooted in the wheat fields of Punjab, where agriculture isn’t just a livelihood but a way of life. His fascination with wheat and its potential led him to pursue a bachelor’s degree in agricultural sciences at Punjab Agricultural University. It was during this time that he encountered the spectre of rust diseases, particularly stripe rust, which plagued the region’s wheat crops. Determined to combat this menace, he set his sights on a journey that would take him across continents.

Venturing abroad for his graduate studies, he found himself in Saskatchewan at the Crop Development Centre (CDC), working under the mentorship of renowned researchers like Randy Kutcher and Pierre Hucl. Here, he delved deep into the world of wheat genetics, focusing on stripe rust resistance — a quest that would shape his academic pursuits for years to come.

After completing his master’s and Ph.D. in six and a half years, he embarked on a professional journey that would see him traverse academia and research. From brief stints as a research officer to landing his dream faculty position at the University of British Columbia’s Plant Science program, his career trajectory was marked by a strong drive to make a difference in the world of wheat.

Despite the allure of British Columbia’s unique agricultural landscape, he found himself wanting to return to the vast expanses of the Prairies, where wheat reigns supreme. He recently returned to the Prairies and is the new wheat breeder at the University of Alberta in Edmonton.

“The opportunity to lead an established wheat breeding program at the University of Alberta was a dream come true. With the necessary resources and infrastructure in place, I’m excited to drive innovation and develop high-yielding wheat varieties tailored to the unique conditions of northern Canada,” he says.

Brar, one of Seed World Canada‘s 2024 Next-Gen Leaders, has become known for identifying novel sources of resistance to priority diseases and his efforts in developing wheat germplasm with multiple disease-resistant traits.

In addition to his groundbreaking research, Brar is committed to mentoring the next generation of agricultural scientists.

“I believe in nurturing talent and empowering students to pursue their passions,” he says. “Watching my students grow and thrive in their research endeavours is hugely rewarding.”

As he looks ahead, Brar’s vision for the future of wheat breeding is clear: “My number one target is to develop high-yielding wheat varieties adapted to the northern climates of Canada. By focusing on early maturity and strong straw traits, we can maximize yield potential while ensuring resilience to environmental challenges.”

His decision to also join the Prairie Recommending Committee for Wheat, Rye, and Triticale (PGDC) executive as member-at-large came from a desire to play an even more important role in the world of Canadian cereals.