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Canada and Manitoba announce climate action in the transportation sector

Winnipeg, Manitoba - A recent report from expert Canadian scientists showed that Canada was warming at twice the average global rate. People in Manitoba are feeling the impacts of climate change in their communities. Reducing carbon pollution from the transportation sector is one way the Government is taking action to fight climate change and protect our environment, while growing our economy.
The Parliamentary Secretary to the Minister for Women and Gender Equality and Member of Parliament for Winnipeg South, Terry Duguid, on behalf of the Minister of Environment and Climate Change, Catherine McKenna, joined the Honourable Rochelle Squires, Minister of Sustainable Development for the Government of Manitoba to announce a federal investment of up to $5.9 million to improve the fuel efficiency of heavy-duty vehicles. This funding is a component of Manitoba’s Low Carbon Economy Leadership Fund allocation of up to $66.8 million.
This funding will provide truck drivers or trucking companies with incentives for fuel‑saving devices and retrofitting on heavy-duty freight trucks. This is a practical program that supports Manitoba’s trucking sector to reduce carbon pollution, increase economic competitiveness, and save money on fuel.
The Government of Manitoba will also be contributing $5.9M towards the efficient trucking program.
The Government of Canada is committed to supporting climate action and investing in programs that will make our air cleaner and our communities healthier, while helping transportation companies save money, promoting clean innovation and supporting good middle class jobs.
Source : Government of Canada

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