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Canada’s First National, Exclusively Dairy Event

Influential dairy-industry players have signed on to connect with professional commercial and purebred dairy producers

Stratford,ON – The Canadian Dairy XPO (CDX), a new large-scale dairy event and a first ever for Canada, will mix dairy agribusiness, breed associations, and the research community under one huge roof with dairy producers and global industry stakeholders.

In addition to hundreds of dairy product and service providers in the tradeshow halls, the event will feature a world-class speaker program, live milking robot showdown, working cow showcase, and an evening networking social. All will take place in the new world-class Stratford Rotary Complex.

Progressive and professional dairy producers will find significant return on their time investment at this event that is exclusively for the dairy industry,” says Jordon Underhill, one of the founders of CDX. “There is a lot of pride in this vibrant sector and producers need a national stage to gather for technology and education transfer.”

Talo Tamminga, who spent nine years as manager of Lely North America and introduced robotic milking to North America in 1999, is Underhill’s partner running CDX. “We will operate in English, French and Dutch, the three major languages of the dairy industry in Canada,” says Tamminga. “We’ve chosen Stratford as the home of the event as it’s one of the hotspots of expansion in the Canadian dairy industry and it’s easy to get to.”

Perth and surrounding counties make up one of the most important dairy regions in Canada. Within an hour’s drive of Stratford there are almost 3,000 medium- to large-scale dairy operations and that number is growing. Other global dairy events, such as the World Dairy Expo in Madison, Wisconsin, are overbooked with exhibitors. They agree that there is an opportunity for a parallel Canadian dairy event.
 Major industry partners have already signed on with CDX, a testament to the void CDX is filling in the Canadian marketplace. EastGen, a division of Semex Global, is one of several genetic companies that will showcase their best dairy daughters from across Canada live at CDX.

There is a need in the global dairy industry marketplace for an all-Canadian showcase to the world,” says Brian O’Connor, general manager, EastGen. “We will showcase the best ‘working cow genetics’ in a commercial loose housing set-up so producers can see the cows walk and move under natural conditions.”

Other Founding Partners that have made three-year commitments to the project include Jaylor, Grand Valley Fortifiers and POST Farm Structures. 
Jack Rodenburg from DairyLogix has over 34 years experience in dairy extension work. He will bring his global experience to coordinating the Dairy Classroom at CDX. “Today’s producers are business professionals who require continuing education to keep them competitive and ‘in the know’ on the latest industry trends and technologies. We will implement a split format of speakers and workshops where producers earn CDX Credits.”      
In addition, CDX is in the process of assembling a steering committee comprised of progressive producers and CDX Founding Partners. This committee will give CDX management input and direction on all facets of CDX to ensure continuous improvement and national growth of the project.   

It is refreshing to see a new professional initiative for our Canadian dairy industry,” says Alain Lajeunesse, manager, market development and communications, Holstein Canada. “I like the two-day format with a 100 per cent focus on dairy. The Canadian Dairy XPO should appeal to all types of dairy producers across the country and beyond.”


ROI Event Management, manager of CDX, is a Canadian company that exclusively builds and manages specialized agricultural tradeshows. The emerging company based in Port Rowan, ON currently owns and manages the largest horticultural tradeshow in Canada. Get updates at as momentum builds for the inaugural Canadian Dairy XPO, February 6-7, 2013.



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