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Corn Producers Urged To Monitor Stored Grain Moisture Levels

According to a recent Purdue University agriculture news release, producers who still have corn grain in storage from last growing season need to begin closely monitoring its condition as temperatures rise and threats increase.

While the cold winter most likely kept mold and insect problems at a minimum, the warming temperatures of spring increases both dangers. Close monitoring is encouraged for corn that was stored at moisture contents higher than 15% and the release notes that grain stored at levels of 17-18% or higher is at even greater risk.

Klein Ileleji, Associate Professor and Extension Engineer in Agricultural and Biological Engineering at Purdue University, said in the release, "For those who couldn't dry corn to 15 percent in the fall but stored at 17-18 percent, the warm spring temperature offers the opportunity to dry to a safe storage moisture using natural air, in-bin systems. Farmers need to begin to implement natural air drying immediately if they haven't started already."

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