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Crop Report - May 13

Manitoba Agriculture and Resource Development says total seeding progress is sitting at about 9 per cent complete, compared to the three-year average of 25 per cent.
Seeding has started for field peas, spring wheat, barley, faba beans and grain corn in all regions. Canola and sunflower planting has begun in the northwest and eastern regions.
Farmers are managing soil surface moisture with vertical tillage, multi-pass harrowing, or residue burning.
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Farming For The Future

Video: Farming For The Future

We're seeing a decline in productive land, the nutritional value of our food and our connection to the natural world.

But by working in harmony with nature, regenerative agriculture revitalizes the soil, improves water management and fosters ecological balance.

Regenerative farms are leading the way, showing that what benefits the farm also benefits the climate. With land surrounded by rolling coulees, rugged badlands and the Rocky Mountains, Gerrid Knol, a second generation farmer in the heart of southern Alberta, understands the importance of working in harmony with nature.

In addition to using regenerative practices on his farm, Gerrid is a participant of Rural Routes to Climate Solution's Regenerative Agriculture Lab (RAL) and is working with others to determine how to increase the adoption of regenerative agriculture in Alberta.