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Federal Ag Critic Back In Ottawa This Week

Federal Conservative Agriculture Critic John Barlow is back in the House of Commons this week.
In particular, he'll be dealing with issues at meetings of the Federal Agriculture Committee.
Barlow says they'll be dealing with the recently announced $252 million aid package.
"The dairy portion of that will be coming up for a vote on Wednesday, May 13. So I'll be there leading the Conservative charge on the agriculture legislation that's there. It's extremely disappointing, certainly under-whelming. But, I've got to be there to be the voice of our agriculture industry."
Barlow says the spending announced last week by the Liberals, is not new money, just a re-announced package of money already promised to farmers and producers.
"For the Minister to come out and says this is a new program or new money is just not true. This is not an extraordinary measure to deal with the financial crisis facing agriculture. So, I think this again shows the Liberal government is not taking agriculture or the financial crisis it's facing or food security very seriously."
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