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Feed Outlook, December 2019

With no new data from the National Agricultural Statistics Service this month, and steady demand from exports, food, seed, and industrial use, and feed and residual use, there were no balance sheet changes this month to corn, sorghum, or oats. Projected prices are unchanged for corn and sorghum and lowered 5-cents per bushel for barley and oats.
The global production of coarse grains is expected to expand month over month by 6.81 million metric tons. This revision is driven by record Chinese corn yields, which increased their total supply by 6.77 million tons and is expected to increase carryout in 2019/20. This change more than offsets reductions in Australian coarse grains production due to continued drought, amongst other small revisions.
Source : USDA

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Into the Canola we go!

Video: Into the Canola we go!

Welcome to our farm! I’m the 3rd generation in our farm that started with my grandpa 70 years ago. I’m this video I’m servicing the tractor and getting it ready for seeding the Canola. Unfortunately there are many wild fires in the region which are causing extensive smoke aswell as some of which are burning closer and closer to home. This unforeseen circumstance means that I didn’t get a chance to record everything I would’ve liked too. But nonetheless enjoy!