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Feeding Heated Canola

There are have been reports of heated canola this fall. What does it mean for producers who are using it as feed? We’ve got Barry Yaremcio, beef forage specialist at the Ag-Info Centre on the line to answer that questions. First off, Barry, what can producers expect in terms of quality from whole canola seed?

Interview with Barry Yaremcio (3:13 minutes) (1.47 Mb)

Source : Agriculture and Forestry

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-Hello everyone and welcome to my channel! This channel is about my life as a farmer, and I hope you take the time to watch all my videos! I am a third generation dairy /crop farmer who loves what I do and want to share it with you! We farm in Michigan where we grow hay, corn, soybeans, and wheat, while milking almost 200 cows twice a day. So enjoy the videos and feel free to like, comment, and share my videos!