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Funding Supports Adults with Intellectual Disabilities, Helps Address Food Insecurity

Summer Street Industries is receiving a $1.4-million investment from the Province to expand its agricultural project, which supports adults with intellectual disabilities while also improving local food options in New Glasgow.

The funding will be used to construct a three-bay, all-season, fully accessible greenhouse at Summer Street in New Glasgow. It will provide hands-on gardening skills, on-site programming, and space for local businesses to lease and grow food.

“We all want our communities to be places where everyone has the opportunity to reach their full potential,” said Karla MacFarlane, Minister of Community Services and MLA for Pictou West, on behalf of Pat Dunn, Minister of Communities, Culture, Tourism and Heritage. “This expansion will enhance the lives of people in New Glasgow and neighbouring communities, allowing people living with intellectual disabilities to find fulfilling work, while providing the area with locally grown, healthy food.”

The project aims to strengthen local food systems. Food grown through this project will be used for Summer Street Industries’ food service business, help supply local food banks and be sold locally. The Government of Canada, through the Atlantic Canada Opportunities Agency, is also contributing $1.5 million to the project.

Source : Novascotia .ca

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