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Help wanted: Crop reporters for the season

The Saskatchewan Ministry of Agriculture needs additional crop reporters for this growing season.

As of Nov. 28, 2024, the Ministry of Ag has 209 crop reporters throughout the province. A map shows RMs with a reporter highlighted in green and a red dot, while those without a crop reporter are highlighted in brown; some R.M.s in each growing region don’t have one yet but it’s more pronounced along the U.S. border.

The Saskatchewan Ministry of Agriculture is looking for more crop reporters. The map shown marks which R.M.s have a crop reporter and which don’t. | Source: Saskatchewan Ministry of Agriculture

Crops extension specialist with the Ministry of Ag Tyce Masich says crop reporters don’t need to be farmers. They just need someone with a general idea of what’s happening within their local RM. Responsibilities include gathering rainfall data and filling out a survey provided by the Ag Ministry. The survey has different weekly questions, from the spring to the fall. That data is then submitted for the weekly provincial crop report.

“If you have a farm, you answer the questions based on what crop conditions you’re seeing on your farm and if you’re an agronomist and you scout fields in your area you kind of answer the questions based on what you’re seeing out in the field.”

Masich says even if you’re in an RM that has a reporter already, that’s OK as having more than one in one area can provide more accurate information.

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