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How to request a Final Quality Determination

Following up on producer requests for Final Quality Determination

In response to producer concerns heard during the Canada Grain Act review consultations, the Canadian Grain Commission has developed an oversight strategy to better support producers at the point of sale and help ensure trust in the grain handling system. The strategy includes following up with the producer and the licensed primary elevator if the results of quality assessments by the Canadian Grain Commission and the elevator are different.

If you disagree with a licensed primary elevator’s assessment of your grain, you have the right to ask for a Final Quality Determination (formerly known as Subject to Inspector’s Grade and Dockage) from the Canadian Grain Commission.

You can request a Final Quality Determination of your grain’s official grade or any individual grading factor, including:

  • moisture
  • protein
  • dockage

For example, if you would like a Canadian Grain Commission inspector to confirm your grain’s moisture, you can request a reassessment of only the moisture content. If you would like to confirm the assessment of multiple grading factors, you can request a reassessment of more than one.

An invoice for the Final Quality Determination fee will be sent to the primary elevator operator.

  • See current and past fees for Inspection of submitted sample fee code 336, including Final Quality Determination

Eligibility for a Final Quality Determination
To be eligible for a Final Quality Determination, you must

  • deliver one of the 21 grains regulated under the Canada Grain Act
  • make your delivery to a licensed primary elevator
  • request a Final Quality Determination within 7 calendar days from the time of your delivery

You do not need to be present at the time of delivery to request a Final Quality Determination.

This service was enhanced in September 2022 through changes to the Canada Grain Regulations. For more information about the changes, visit Enhancements to the grain grade dispute resolution process by the Canadian Grain Commission.

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