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KAP President Says Agriculture Pulled Through 2020 Better Than Some Other Industries

The president of Keystone Agricultural Producers (KAP) says the agriculture industry survived fairly well over the past year.
Bill Campbell made the comments during his year-end interview.
"There's individual areas that had some weather issues, some production issues. We've had some pricing issues, we've had a pandemic and all of that but when you look at what agriculture was able to do, I think it's rather remarkable compared to what other industries had to go through. We will be a leader throughout this restart, from the pandemic and all the rest of it."
Campbell says the climate change discussion will be front and centre in the coming year.
"There needs to be some form of recognition and acknowledgment of what agriculture does in this country with regards to carbon sequestration. I'm challenged by how that message can get through to Ottawa because we have presented it to them numerous times. It just seems to be continually ignored."
He says it's been hard to relay to the federal government how important agriculture is to the country and what holds it together.
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