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Linking Pasture Systems To Optimize Beef Performance And Profit

In Alberta Agriculture and Rural Development’s (ARD) recent Cow-Calfenomics risk management series, Grant Lastiwka, forage/livestock business specialist at ARD discussed how beef performance and profit can be optimized by linking pasture systems.
“The largest cost on any beef operation is feed. Producers are incorporating year round grazing systems to reduce those feed costs. Letting the cattle go to the winter grazing, rather than hauling the feed to the cattle has provided producers significant savings,” he said.
During the growing season, managing a pasture system for greater rest periods will result in increased plant productivity, the ability to carry more animals on the same land, and increase profits. “In the future it will also result in going to grass earlier in spring, reducing drought risk and healthy soils that will sustain your grazing lands well into the future,” Lastiwka said.
Lastiwka said some points to consider include:
  • 2/3 of a beef cow cost is feed
  • ½ of that is winter feed and feeding systems
  • grazing day is ½ the cost of feeding day
  • every extra day spent grazing can add $1 to cow profit
  • using profit to invest in the grazing/soil resources will have a significant multiplier effect
  • which of your pastures can be more productive and profitable
  • cost effective tools including grazing planning, rest, water, fences, legumes, fertilizer, herbicides, etc.
Source : Agriculture and Rural Development

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