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Managing Hay Resources: Evaluating Hay for Purchase

Managing Hay Resources: Evaluating Hay for Purchase

By Chanda Engel

Calving has begun or is not far off for many beef herd managers in the area. As winter progresses we are closer to spring and green grass; however, the hay pile may be shrinking faster than anticipated. This may bring about the need to purchase some additional hay stocks to tie the herd over until the grass is ready for them. Anytime we purchase hay we should give it two tests—one with our physical senses and one with a hay probe.

Sensory Evaluation
The physical evaluation of hay, often referred to as a sensory evaluation, involves using both sight and smell. Visually inspect hay for stage of maturity, forage species, and any foreign matter. Odor can indicate heat damage (sweet tobacco or caramel like smell) and the presence of mold. Color is not a good measurement of quality, a sun bleached hay can still be higher quality than another hay that is bright green. Laboratory analysis of forage quality is the best and only accurate indication of how a hay will meet livestock nutrient needs.

Laboratory Evaluation
Proper sampling technique is important in getting an accurate laboratory analysis result. Grab samples are highly inaccurate and frankly a waste of your time, effort and money. To get the best analysis, a hay probe with a sharp tip should be utilized to properly core and sample at least 20 bales within the same lot of hay. If you need help in finding a hay probe contact your local livestock extension professional. Both Near Infrared (NIRS) and wet chemistry are great analysis procedures, as long as a reputable forage lab is utilized. If you don’t currently have a laboratory you typically use, view the iGrow Feed & Water Testing Laboratories publication or the National Forage Testing Association Listing for lists of certified labs and the type of analysis they perform. The NFTA provides a grading system feedback, which helps indicate how well the lab has performed in analyzing a standard set of samples. Choosing a lab from the list that has a grade of A or B would be advisable. Most laboratories will provide you with free mailers and sample submission supplies, just contact them.

Additional Fodder for Thought.
Purchase hay based on actual weight rather than per bale. There can be large variation in bale sizes and weights, particularly with round bale packages. Buying and selling on weight is a more equitable set of terms for both the buyer and seller. Adjusting for moisture would also be beneficial, as even a 2% difference in moisture can affect the cost. For example two lots of hay (Lot A and Lot B), each containing 100 round bales weighing 1200 pounds (lbs)/bale.

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