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MU Extension Conference For Farm Women Set For Sept. 11-12

By Mary Sobba

A University of Missouri Extension agriculture business conference for women is set for Sept. 11-12 at Windermere Conference Center at the Lake of the Ozarks.

Keynote speakers are Katie Dilse, Farm & Ranch Guide’s 2014 Country Woman of the Year, and Texas A&M agriculture economist Jason Johnson.

Topics include a crop and livestock marketing outlook, how to start an ag tourism venture, Missouri fence laws, livestock health, home energy efficiency, meal planning for families on the go, identity theft, insurance, investments and more.

“Throughout the course of our classes for farm women we have had several women express the desire for a conference where they could meet other farm women from across the state,” says Mary Sobba, MU Extension ag specialist and a state coordinator for Annie’s Project. “This is another great forum for women in agriculture to get together to learn about the business of farming and network with others in like situations.”

MU Extension and USDA Risk Management Agency sponsor the conference.

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