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Province Recognizes Critical Role Of Women In Agriculture

The Manitoba government has proclaimed November 15 to 21 as Manitoba Farm Women’s Week to recognize the critical role that women play in the agricultural industry.
“Women in the industry are dynamic leaders, role models, influencers and supporters for their communities, families, associations and each other,” said Agriculture and Resource Development Minister Blaine Pedersen. “They are essential players in building resilient, successful and sustainable farms.”
Manitoba Farm Women’s Week was to be proclaimed the same week as the 34th annual Manitoba Farm Women’s Conference. However, the conference will be held virtually this year with three different sessions taking place in January, February and March 2021. The Manitoba Farm Women’s Conference is a non-profit organization run by volunteer farm women. Its aim is to provide farm and rural women from around the province with an opportunity to expand knowledge, inform and communicate ideas.
“Today’s farm women are becoming increasingly more involved in running the farm. We are farmers in our own right. We choose farming as a career, sometimes aside from a life partner or husband,” said Catherine Kroeker-Klassen, a farmer from southern Manitoba and vice-chair of the board for the Manitoba Egg Farmers. “We operate machinery, care for our flocks and herds, handle the finances and feed hungry bellies. Making this proclamation is special – it recognizes the strong contribution that farm women play in growing good food for Canada and shaping the landscape of our rural Manitoba communities.”
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