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Purdue Extension's Lambing School To Provide Birth-Management Training

Sheep and goat producers at any level of expertise are invited to learn more about the critical production phases of late gestation, lactation and care of newborns at Purdue Extension's annual Lambing School on Feb. 14.

The workshop, from 9 a.m. to 3:30 p.m., will focus on lambing and kidding procedures and factors that influence birth success, such as nutrition, reproduction, health considerations, lambing facilities and necessary management practices. It will be at Purdue University's Animal Sciences Research and Education Center Sheep Unit, 5675 W. 600 N, West Lafayette.

Presenters are Mike Neary, Purdue Extension small-ruminant specialist; Gerald Kelly, manager of the Purdue Sheep Unit; and Michael Hill, professor of food animal production medicine in the Purdue College of Veterinary Medicine. Participants will have the opportunity to view and participate in live sheep births.

Registration is $35 per person and is due by Feb. 5. Attendance will be limited to the first 40 registrants. Fees include breakfast, lunch and educational materials.
The workshop brochure and registration form are available on the Purdue Extension sheep website at

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Video: Dr. Daniel Andersen: Swine Manure Management | Ep. 46

In this captivating episode of The Swine It Podcast Show Canada, we engage with Dr. Daniel Andersen, also known as "Dr. Manure" from Iowa State University, in a comprehensive discussion about manure management and safety in swine production. Dr. Andersen shares his extensive knowledge of foam formation in manure, its associated risks, and innovative strategies for effective manure utilization and environmental protection. This episode is an essential resource for those in the swine industry, providing vital insights into manure handling and safety, crucial for sustainable and profitable swine farming.