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Record $3.4 Million in Quarterly Biofuels Grants Will Expand E15 Availability

The Iowa Renewable Fuels Infrastructure Program (RFIP) Board approved 74 project applications totaling more than $3.4 million in cost-share funding for Iowa fuel retailers during its quarterly board meeting last week. 73 ethanol cost-share projects were awarded, an all-time record for one quarter, which will lead to the installation of new ethanol infrastructure to increase Iowans’ access to lower cost, cleaner burning E15. The board also approved one application for a new biodiesel terminal project. Once completed, these projects will expand fueling options for E15 and biodiesel blends in 38 different Iowa counties.

The RFIP helps fuel retailers provide higher blends of homegrown, more affordable biofuels to consumers by incentivizing the installation, replacement and conversion of ethanol and biodiesel dispensing and storage infrastructure. Incentives to upgrade biodiesel terminal and storage facilities are also available. While the Iowa Department of Agriculture and Land Stewardship manages the program, a board appointed by the Governor and confirmed by the Iowa Senate determines grant allocations on a quarterly basis.

“Iowans are fueling their vehicles with lower cost E15 at record levels, Iowa plants are producing record volumes of ethanol, and Iowa is setting records for ethanol infrastructure investment,” said Iowa Secretary of Agriculture Mike Naig. “The Renewable Fuels Infrastructure Program is truly driving biofuels momentum, and that is important because this industry supports rural jobs, creates markets for farmers and helps us secure our energy future. With significant state and federal cost-share assistance available, there has never been a better time for fuel retailers to help Iowa drivers save money at the pump by upgrading their fueling infrastructure.”

38 counties had locations receiving one or more of the project grants, including the following: Adair, Allamakee, Black Hawk, Bremer, Buchanan, Butler, Cherokee, Chickasaw, Clarke, Clayton, Clinton, Dallas, Davis, Decatur, Delaware, Des Moines, Dickinson, Dubuque, Grundy, Hamilton, Jackson, Jasper, Jefferson, Johnson, Jones, Marshall, Page, Polk, Poweshiek, Scott, Story, Tama, Wapello, Warren, Webster, Winneshiek, Woodbury, and Wright. The complete list of locations awarded at the January 30 RFIP board meeting can be found here

Additionally, in October 2023, ten RFIP awards totaling $442,300 were approved for E15 infrastructure projects in 8 different counties. Those counties receiving one or more cost-share grants for RFIP projects include the following: Clay, Clinton, Dickinson, Jackson, Jefferson, Linn, Polk, and Scott.  The complete list of locations awarded at the October 2023 meeting can be found here.

To date, $5,483,555.57 of funding for this fiscal year has been awarded to 119 biofuels infrastructure projects.  The program also leverages significant private investment by the participating fuel retailers.
The breakdown of total RFIP funding awarded during this current fiscal year is as follows:
•    $103,250 to 3 E85 projects
•    $3,998,803 to 87 E15 projects
•    $1,281,503 to 27 Biodiesel projects
•    $100,000 to 2 Biodiesel Terminal projects

The Renewable Fuels Infrastructure Board will consider additional RFIP grant applications during its next quarterly meeting in the spring of 2024. The RFIP grant application is available on the Iowa Department of Agriculture and Land Stewardship’s website.

Over the history of the program, the state has invested over $80 million while private industry has invested over $240 million.

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