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Save the Date For The Pennsylvania Agronomic Education Conference

Registration will be coming soon for this conference for agronomic industry professionals.

The Pennsylvania Agronomic Education Conference is a winter tradition for Pennsylvania’s agronomy industry. This two-day educational event provides technical information for all aspects of crop production and allows industry, academia and state agency representatives to network and discuss the newest technologies and systems available in advising Pennsylvania crop producer clientele.

Join us January 22-23, 2015 at the Penn Stater Hotel and Conference Center in State College. Local and out of state speakers will provide a full spectrum of topics addressing all areas of agronomic practices including crop, pest, and nutrient management as well as soil and water conservation. Specific subjects to be covered include: Ag Economic Outlook; Palmer Amaranth and Waterhemp; Fertilizer Outlook and Management; Precision Agriculture and Data Collection; Utilizing Unmanned Arial Vehicles; Cover Crops; Herbicide Adjuvants; Crop Modeling; Weather Outlook; and Pasture Management.

Continuing Education/Certification credits will be available for the Certified Crop Adviser, Pennsylvania Nutrient Management and Pennsylvania Pesticide programs.

Learn more about The Pennsylvania Agronomic Education Conference. Those with additional questions may contact Amy Bradford at 717-651-5920.

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Video: Seed Starting in the New Greenhouse | Gathering My Supplies and Sowing Seeds

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