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Soybeans Enjoying Warm, Wet Weather

The recent warm, moist weather has been beneficial to soybeans.
Kristen Podolsky, production specialist with Manitoba Pulse and Soybean Growers (MPSG), says emergence has happened in as little as 5 days for soybeans that were planted in the latter part of May.
She advices growers and agronomists to start assessing established plant stands.
"So getting out there and taking a plant stand count of what has actually emerged and then comparing that to your seeding rate to see how well you came to reaching your target plant population. In soybeans we're hoping that we're within 120,000 to 160,000 live plants per acre and then we have very good yield potential."
Podolsky says producers should also be scouting for weeds to ensure they apply a timely herbicide application.
Source : SteinbachOnline

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