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Sprayer Calibration Information

Sprayer Calibration Information
Find out how to sign up to have your air blast sprayer or boom sprayer calibrated.
Proper calibration can help growers make sure pesticide applications are getting to the target at the proper rate. Worn nozzles or other equipment malfunctions can mean some areas of the target receive too much or too little pesticide, thus having a negative effect on pest control.
After seeing a air blast sprayer calibration demonstration by the University of New Hampshire Cooperative Extension at a regional meeting, our office cooperated with them to duplicate this program. They trained our staff and others working with our office on how to use this specialized equipment so that we can help our farmers in Pennsylvania. We are now offering this service statewide in Pennsylvania.
Watch this video to learn the benefits of having your air blast sprayer calibrated from an educator's and grower's perspective.
Some pre-work is required by you before we come, and our office does charge a fee for this educational demonstration program. The grower portion of the sprayer calibration cost is $50. If you have more than one sprayer to be calibrated, each additional sprayer will be $30.
If you are interested, please fill out the following form (contact information, sprayer information, etc) to request an air blast sprayer or boom sprayer calibration at your facility.
Once you complete the above request, someone working with our office, will be contacting you within a week or so. In order for us to be as efficient as possible, we have developed a PRE-calibration YouTube video to help you prepare your sprayer(s) before we arrive. We also have a link below for a PRE-calibration checklist that you can download and complete prior to our arrival. Please note: To avoid additional charges, prepare your sprayer prior to our arrival. Also, due to the condition of an unprepared sprayer, sometimes calibration must be delayed until a future date when it is in its proper operating condition. The last link below shows an example of the calibration process.

Completing the above pre-calibration items saves us a great deal of time when we come to your facility to do the actual calibration. This in turn allows us to do more calibrations per day to help more people like you!

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