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U of G Receives Over $ 16M to Lead National Agri-Food Innovation and Training Platform

A new network led by the University of Guelph, in collaboration with key national partners, will create an agri-food innovation and entrepreneurship training platform that aims to make Canada the global leader in developing agri-food innovation.

The University has received a Lab to Market grant for nearly $16.3 million over five years to support Sustainable Food Systems for Canada (SF4C) – a platform designed to develop skills and offer entrepreneurial education, equipping the agri-food ecosystem with the tools required to move new innovations from university lab-based prototypes to fully commercialized technologies.

Lab to Market grants support post-secondary institutions and their affiliates in creating and sustaining networks dedicated to developing and delivering entrepreneurial skills training.

This funding was announced today by Terry Duguid, Minister of Sport and Minister responsible for Prairies Economic Development Canada on behalf of Minister of Innovation, Science and Industry François-Philippe Champagne.

U of G leading mobilization of food system resources nationally

Dr. Rene Van Acker, interim president and vice-chancellor says, “The goal of SF4C is to build Canada’s first ever nationally networked entrepreneurial platform to connect Canadian agri-food researchers and innovators with industry, government, and communities. Through training, mentorship, and networking, SF4C ensures a continuous pipeline of talent to drive Canada’s economic security and productivity in a changing world.”

SF4C will have two national co-chairs, Dr. Evan Fraser, professor in the Department of Geography, Environment & GeomaticsCollege of Social and Applied Human Sciences (CSAHS) and director of the Arrell Food Institute, and Dr. Lenore Newman, professor and director of the Food and Agriculture Institute at the University of the Fraser Valley. 

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