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US Beef Flying Off Shelves in Korea - Beef Board Chairman Brett Morris Shares Firsthand Experience

US Beef Flying Off Shelves in Korea - Beef Board Chairman Brett Morris Shares Firsthand Experience

Recently on a trip to Asia representing the Cattlemen’s Beef Board and Oklahoma’s Beef Council, Ninnekah native and cattle producer, Brett Morris, visited South Korea to tour facilities where beef products are shipped, stored and sold and build working relationships with leaders of the industry there. Morris took time to speak with Radio Oklahoma Ag Network Farm Director Ron Hays and shares his experiences in Asia.

“About a week or ten days before we were there, (Costco) had announced that they were going to start selling 100 percent US beef,” Morris said. “Through that transaction, with that seven to ten days, they said that their beef sales had went up 60 percent.”

In addition to this revelation, workers that tend the meat counter at this store, told Morris and the other delegates, that on that day, between the time they opened their doors at 8:00 a.m. to their visit at 3:00 p.m. that afternoon, the meat cases had already sold out and had to be refilled three times.

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