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Weed Control Topic of Feb. 5 Range Webinar

Kay Ledbetter

Best management practices for weed control will be the topic of a Feb. 5 webinar by the Texas A&M AgriLife Extension Service ecosystem science and management unit.

“To Spray or Not to Spray” is next in the Texas Range Webinar Series, scheduled on the first Thursday of each month from noon to 1 p.m., said Pete Flores, webinar coordinator in Corpus Christi.

“Weeds are a common problem among landowners and can be managed with some best management practices,” said Dr. Vanessa Corriher-Olson, Texas A&M AgriLife Extension Service forage specialist in Overton.

“This presentation will include discussion on effective weed control with weed identification, proper timing and herbicide selection,” she said. “Sandbur control with the use of products such as Pastora, a post-emergent, will also be discussed.”

This webinar and others in the series can be accessed at

Participants seeking Texas Department of Agriculture continuing education units must pay a $10 fee on the website. For all others, there is no fee, Flores said. Licensed agricultural private pesticide applicators participating in this webinar can earn one integrated pest management unit.

For more information on the webinars, contact Flores at .

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