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Weekly Hay Market Demand And Price Report For The Upper Midwest As Of October 24, 2014

Demand and Sales Activity

Compared to the previous week, small square bal e prices were down 4 %. Large square bale prices were up 3 % . Large ro und bale prices were down 4% . Sales activity was very light to moderate .

For Nebraska , hay prices were steady to $2.20 low er on limited alfalfa hay sales . Demand was light to moderate from feedlots with moderate to good demand from dairies. Light rai n in some areas of the state, farmers are still busy with harvest. For Iowa , hay prices were steady on very limited alfalfa hay sales . Many producers are finishing fourth cutting and are busy with soybean and corn harvest. Demand is good for dairy hay with light demand on all other types of hay.

In South Dakota , hay prices were $ 7.90 high er . There was v ery good demand for high relative feed value alfalfa, with moderate demand for hay f itting the fair and good grades. There was light demand for u tilit y grade hay. Supplies of high testing hay are much tighter than the lower testing supply a s it was very a challenging hay making year due to untimely rains. A light reported volume of hay this week as corn harvest is going hot and heavy with a wonderful w eek weather wise with highs in the low to mid 70’s and only a 1/3 to 1/2 inch of rain in the southeast South Dakota and just a sprinkle to the north. Some corn stalk baling is occurring already.

For Missouri , alfalfa hay prices were steady on very limite d alfalfa hay sales . Hay supply is moderate to heavy and demand is light . Warmer temperatures and winds helped to provide some drying and allow farmers to get back to the fields this week. Grain harvest and wheat planting resulted in long hours as farm ers played catch up trying to get back on pace. Hay movement is very light. Most cattle producers have a good supply on hand and it is unlikely the hay market will see much business until snow flies. Most producers in other states have also had a good g rowing season so currently there is little incentive to ship either.

In Southwest Minnesota , hay prices were $ 3.35 low er . Pasture con ditions were rated 3 % very poor; 9 % poor; 25 % fair; 54 % good; and 9 % excellent. There were no state hay reports this week for Illinois . Pasture conditions were stable and ra ted at 1% v ery poor; 4% poor; 23% fair; 53% good; and 19 % excellent.

For Wisconsin, hay prices were $ 30.0 5 low er at a quality - tested hay auction in Fennimore . The fourth cutting was 89 percent com plete. Pasture conditions were stable a nd rated at 1 % very poor ; 6 % poor; 33 % fair; 50 % good; and 10 % excellent.

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