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Weekly USMEF Audio Report: Study Highlights Importance of Keeping Pace on Ag Export Promotion Funding

The latest analysis of agricultural export promotion investment shows that U.S. public funding for its two largest export promotion programs is about $235 million per year. But due to inflation and other factors, the real value of this investment has declined 12 percent since 2011. During this same period, major competitors increased their investment in promotion of agricultural exports by 70 percent. 
Greg Hanes, U.S. Meat Export Federation (USMEF) assistant vice president for international marketing and programs, provides more details on this study, and on efforts to bolster support for U.S. investment in the promotion of agricultural exports in the next farm bill, in the above audio report.  


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Cattle Markets - Mike Briggs

Video: Cattle Markets - Mike Briggs

Turning our attention over to the Markets. Joining us now to discuss the recent movements in the Cattle Market is the owner and operator of Briggs Feed Yard, Mr. Mike Briggs.