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Fighting H5N1 in dairy herds - A multi-pronged approach


Following the detection of H5N1 in dairy cattle, the USDA and HHS are working together to combat the virus and protect public health. This multi-pronged approach focuses on supporting producers, strengthening biosecurity, and safeguarding the food supply.

Financial Support for Producers:

The USDA is providing financial assistance to affected farms. This includes funds to improve biosecurity measures, compensate for lost milk production, and cover veterinary costs associated with H5N1.

Biosecurity Measures:

Both USDA and HHS are prioritizing biosecurity practices. This includes support for developing biosecurity plans, implementing in-line milk samplers, and facilitating safe milk disposal through heat treatment.

Public Health Safeguards:

The HHS, through the CDC and FDA, is taking steps to protect public health. This includes updated guidance for workers in contact with dairy cattle, support for field investigations, and distribution of personal protective equipment (PPE). Additionally, the FDA is focusing on ensuring the safety of the milk supply through rigorous testing and staff training.

This collaborative effort by USDA and HHS demonstrates the government's proactive approach to H5N1. By combining financial aid, biosecurity support, and public health measures, they aim to minimize the impact on the dairy industry and safeguard consumers.

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