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Labour Shortages Highlight Canadian Agricultural Challenges


In 2024, while the broader Canadian job market is predicted to face downturns, the agricultural sector presents a contrasting scenario with ongoing labour shortages. This issue greatly hampers producers' ability to satisfy the rising demands of the food market, both locally and internationally. 

According to a report by, the major hurdle is the scarcity of applicants possessing the necessary skills, which is identified as a top recruitment challenge in the agriculture and food sectors.  

To combat these challenges, the Canadian Agricultural Human Resource Council (CAHRC) published a detailed Agricultural Compensation Report.  

This report offers insights into pay scales across various agricultural industries, aiding employers in making informed compensation decisions. 

Farm managers in the grain and oilseed sector receive the highest compensation, in stark contrast to their counterparts in dairy, who earn considerably less. This pattern extends to other farm roles, with grain and oilseed consistently at the top of the pay range. 

Training and development are integral to retention strategies, with over 87% of employers providing some type of training. On-the-job learning is predominant, with formal training programs and online learning options varying widely between industries. 

The current focus for agricultural employers is on retaining existing talent by enhancing compensation packages and providing flexible work arrangements.  

By benchmarking their compensation strategies against industry standards, agricultural businesses can attract the skilled talent they need to maintain efficiency and growth, ensuring stability in the face of sector-specific challenges. 

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Video: Interpret soil test results for better 4R management

Listen as Warren Ward, CCC agronomy specialist and nutrient management lead, and Steve Barron, a practicing agronomist with Double Diamond Farm Supply and advocate of 4R nutrient stewardship for Fertilizer Canada, explore what to do once you’ve received your soil test results and how to put this information to use with 4R Nutrient Stewardship practices (Right source, Right rate, Right time, and Right place for fertilizer applications) in your field.