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Increase corn yields with the addition of wheat to your rotation

Follow this guide for planning your soybean crop prior to the wheat

By Patrick Lynch, CCA-ON

Depending on what research you look at, if you put wheat into your crop rotation you can increase corn yields by 10 to 20 bu/ac. (Indeed, I spoke with one grower this month who said on his farm there was a 20 bu/ac difference in a side-by-side comparison in 2016.)

If you believe this research, you need to plan now where you will plant wheat this fall. Once you have made this decision, you need to pick a soybean variety.

If the farm/field can be planted early, pick the best variety for that farm/field. If, for some reason, the farm/field will be planted later, then pick an earlier variety. You will give up yield on the soybeans but will have a corn yield increase the following year.


If you are in an area of 2,800 CHUs or more, you can consider double-cropping soybeans after the wheat crop. The total soybean yield over the two seasons will be greater than picking a long-season variety. In the latter case, you risk not getting wheat planted in a timely fashion this fall after the soybean harvest. 

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Video: Kioti CS20 Series - Sub Compact Tractor with Big Capabilities

The Kioti CS20 Series is the best of both worlds: perfect for those small acreage farms and perfect for those large farms that require constant upkeep.

Available in 21 or 24.5 horsepower, the CS20 Series features:

— Removable front loader
— Quick attach bucket
— 54" and 60" drive-over mower decks
— 6' backhoe
— and much more

Joel Hicks with Kioti explains more in this video!



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