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Man. farmer elected president of Dairy Farmers of Canada

Man. farmer elected president of Dairy Farmers of Canada

David Wiens farms with his brother at Grunthal

By Diego Flammini
Staff Writer

A dairy farmer from Grunthal, Man. is the new president of Dairy Farmers of Canada (DFC).

David Wiens, who’s been the organization’s vice president since 2011, received the necessary support from his peers during DFC’s annual general meeting in Winnipeg.

Wiens replaces Pierre Lampron, the Quebec farmer who served as president since 2017.

“I would like to thank dairy farmers for electing me to lead our national organization,” Wiens said in a July 12 statement. “Our industry is at a crossroads, we face numerous challenges, but there are also opportunities which we must seize.”

Different organizations congratulated Wiens on his new presidency.

The Manitoba Forage and Grassland Association, for example, extended its “hearty congrats to Manitoba’s David Wiens on this impressive and important national portfolio,” the organization said on Twitter.

Compass Rose, a bilingual public affairs firm, welcomed Wiens and thanked Lampron for his advocacy.

“We want to congratulate David and wish all the best to Pierre, who’s been an incredible champion of Canadian dairy,” the company said on Twitter on July 13.

The complete DFC board of directors for 2023 is as follows:

  • President: David Wiens
  • British Columbia: Sarah Sache
  • Alberta: Wim van de Brake
  • Saskatchewan: Matthew Flaman
  • Manitoba: Stefan Singer
  • Ontario: Vicky Morrison, Mark Hamel, Don Gordon
  • Quebec: Daniel Gobeil, Peter Strebel, Marcel Blais
  • New Brunswick: Gilbert Matheson 
  • Nova Scotia: Greg Archibald
  • Prince Edward Island: Steve Reeves
  • Newfoundland and Labrador: TBA
  • Director, Lactanet: Korb Whale
  • External Advisor: Michael Barrett has contacted DFC for details on when Newfoundland and Labrador’s representative will be named.

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