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2018 CropConnect Award Winners

Canola Award of Excellence for 2018 - Manitoba Canola Growers Association
Murray McConnell - Teulon, MB
McConnell, 85, was one of the first to grow a test plot of the newly developed canola in the 1970s.
The Canola Award of Excellence is presented annually to acknowledge the accomplishments of individuals and organizations for contributions to the sustained growth and prosperity of Manitoba’s canola industry.
Manitoba Seed Growers Association (MSGA) 2017 Outstanding Service Award
Murray Froebe - Homewood, MB
The Froebes helped re-introduce soybean genetics to Manitoba farmers in the mid 1990’s. The first soybean plots were in 1995, and their first 160 acres of pedigreed field production was in 1996. In 2018, they are celebrating their 22nd year of soybean production, and last year, grew just over 2,000 acres of soybeans.
The award is presented annually to members of the MSGA who have made an outstanding contribution to pedigreed seed industry and are recognized as leaders in their community.
2017 Manitoba Seed Growers Association Honorary Life Award
Dr. Jeannie Gilbert
This award is presented annually to individuals who have contributed greatly, and who may still be contributing, to the pedigreed seed industry and Canadian agriculture through their involvement in various activities of the seed industry.
During her 25 years with AAFC she was a member of many advisory committees for students in the department of Plant Science as well as supervising two Post-Doctoral Fellows and 4 Ph.D. students through the Department of Botany, all of whom are gainfully employed in plant pathology positions in Manitoba, the U.S. or Iran.
Dr. Gilbert retired from her position at Winnipeg’s Cereal Research Center, in 2013.  Her work on fusarium head blight has contributed greatly to the understanding and management of this significant disease in Western Canadian cereal crops.
Annual Corn Yield Competition
1st place: 306.4 bushels/acre, Baker Colony, MacGregor. Hybrid planted was P8387AM.
2nd place: 257.9 bushels/acre, John & Dane Bergen, Roland. Hybrid planted was DKC33-78RIB.
3rd place: 236.2 bu/acre, McCutcheon Farms, Carman. Hybrid planted was DKC35-88RIB.
Source : Steinbachonline

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In the Field Update - Harvest Progress

Video: In the Field Update - Harvest Progress

Earlier this week we caught up with Dave Merrell. Dave is a crop producer near St. Edward, Nebraska. He was kind enough to invite our crew out to his place and give us an update on how things are going in his neck of the woods.