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A New Era of Dairy Cooperation

A remarkable alliance has been formed in the global dairy landscape as the National Milk Producers Federation (NMPF) strengthens its relationship with JA-Zenchu, Japan's Central Union of Agricultural Cooperatives. In a significant endeavor, Jaime Castaneda from NMPF joined a delegation of U.S. dairy farmers and U.S. Dairy Export Council (USDEC) staff on a momentous trip to Japan, where they formalized their commitment by signing a profound "Letter of Friendship" with JA-Zenchu. 

With similarities to previous agreements established by NMPF with Latin American counterparts, this letter signifies a shared resolve to address the mutual challenges faced by dairy farmers in both countries. The collaborative efforts outlined in the letter encompass advocating for dairy-friendly policies on international platforms, exchanging valuable information and knowledge on pertinent issues, and nurturing stronger ties between the U.S. and Japan to benefit the dairy farmers represented. 

During their visit to Japan, Castaneda and the delegation engaged in fruitful discussions with Japanese dairy farmers and agricultural leaders, gaining deeper insights into the distinctive issues they confront within the industry. Additionally, they had the privilege of touring Megmilk Snow Brand's cheese plant, immersing themselves in Japan's dairy production processes. 

This reinforced partnership between NMPF and JA-Zenchu signifies a momentous stride towards global collaboration within the dairy sector. By unifying their efforts, these organizations aim to provide enhanced support to dairy farmers and promote sustainable practices.

Their unwavering commitment to collaboration, knowledge exchange, and advocacy showcases a shared dedication to the well-being of dairy farmers and the overall advancement and prosperity of the industry. 

Source : wisconsinagconnection

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