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A Piglet Left Behind By Its Herd Finds A New Family With Some Cattle

A Piglet Left Behind By Its Herd Finds A New Family With Some Cattle

 A cow herd in Germany has gained an unlikely following, after adopting a lone wild boar piglet.

Farmer Friedrich Stapel told the dpa news agency that he spotted the piglet among the herd in the central German community of Brevoerde about three weeks ago. It had likely lost its group when they crossed a nearby river.

Wild boar Frieda eats next to a cow Thursday in a pasture in Holzminden, Germany.

Wild boar Frieda eats next to a cow Thursday in a pasture in Holzminden, Germany.

Stapel said while he knows what extensive damage wild boars can cause, he can't bring himself to chase the animal away, dpa reported Thursday.

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Caught In A Time-Loop: Bottle Feeding Lambs!

Video: Caught In A Time-Loop: Bottle Feeding Lambs!

In today's vlog at Ewetopia Farms, we find ourselves stuck in a time loop where each day is a repetition of the last as we care for our bottle-fed lambs. The Coverall is bustling with young Suffolk lambs eagerly drinking from their bottle holders, showcasing the sheer number of lambs we are nurturing. Despite the time-consuming process of preparing formula, feeding, and cleaning, the lambs gulp it down in seconds. With three feedings daily, the workload is overwhelming, but soon, we will transition to twice a day feedings for more manageable routines. Amidst the chaos, we managed to give the older Suffolk lambs some playtime in the yard, allowing us a moment to relax and appreciate these adorable creatures.