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Barlow Calls For Urgent Action For Ag Sector

The Shadow Minister for Agriculture and Agri-Food is calling on the Trudeau government to take urgent action to support Canada's agriculture sector.
John Barlow says the Agriculture Minister alluded to the fact farmers had to draw down their AgriInvest accounts before she would consider providing more support for producers. 
Barlow, the MP for Foothills, says it's been revealed by the Ag Ministers department that most AgriInvest accounts have less than $10,000 and more than 10,000 accounts have a balance of zero. 
He says it's time the Liberals step up.
"Agriculture is taking on an exorbitant amount of risk with a minimal amount of support from the government.  We know the billions of dollars that have been put out there and it just doesn't make sense why an important economy, that is tens of  billions of dollars of revenue for the government, is just not being a priority."
He's also concerned that programs the government says farmers can use ... like the Canada Emergency Business Account don't work for them because of the eligibility criteria. 
"Time and time again we've heard Bibeau say the CEBA account is there. While it's not there. It's not designed for the unique business structure of agriculture. They need to step up and at least make that accessible for farmers and ranchers if their going to be able to survive this season."
He says Minister Bibeau and the Prime Minister have to start paying attention.
"Minister Bibeau has to pound her fist on that cabinet table saying you know enough is enough. Canadian agriculture needs attention, needs should be a priority, and we need to step up.  That's her job.  Right now, I don't think she has the clout at the cabinet table, if she did, we would see an assistance package already announced weeks ago." 
Barlow encourage farmers, ranchers and members of agribusiness to be vocal, to be pro-active and talk to the Members of Parliament, Liberal MP's and say enough is enough.
He notes if she's (Bibeau) not going to fight for agriculture we will.
Our job as the official opposition is to fight for agriculture and that's what we'll do. 
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