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Canadian Agriculture and Food Industry Calls for Government Action to Restore Essential Transport and Trade Corridors

With the prolonged disruptions at Canada-U.S. border crossings, Canada’s agriculture and food industry is calling for an immediate conclusion of the blockades and for all levels of government to work collaboratively towards action to reinstate integral transport and trade corridors.

Transport of fruits and vegetables, meat, food packaging, feed supplies, livestock shipments, transport equipment, and integral inputs for agriculture and food processing have already been seriously impacted by the blockades. These blockades are impacting the livelihoods of Canadian farm families, the further businesses they are connected to and the timely supply and delivery of essential goods.

Canada and the U.S. have the largest two-way trade of essential goods and each day the blockades continue further strains these integral supply chains and the Canadian economy. In 2020, Canada and the U.S. traded $50 billion CDN dollars of agriculture and food for an average of $137 million per day with Coutts, Alberta, Emerson, Manitoba, and the Ambassador bridge being key trade routes for these goods.

The signatories below are requesting immediate action by all parties to fully reopen Canada’s trade corridors. This is imperative to the livelihoods of Canadian agriculture businesses and key to maintaining Canada’s strong reputation as a stable trading nation.

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