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Canadian Cereals Sector Drives Economic Growth and Employment in Canada

The Canadian cereal grains value chain plays a critical role in Canada's economy by creating jobs, supporting families, and driving economic growth. According to a recent report commissioned by Cereals Canada, Canadian-grown wheat, barley, durum, and oats had an estimated total economic impact of $68.8 billion, including more than 370,000 Canadian jobs, and $27 billion in wages. 

The report entitled "The Economic Impact of Wheat, Durum, Barley, and Oats on the Canadian Economy: 2022" highlights the significant contribution from these four crops. Cereals Canada engaged LMC International, an independent economic consulting firm focused on the agriculture and agribusiness sector, for the study.

"The cereals value chain is a major contributor to Canada's success," said Dean Dias, chief executive officer at Cereals Canada. "The report reinforces the vital role that the Canadian cereals industry plays in Canada's economy."  

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Video: In the Markets - Jeff Peterson

This week we had the opportunity to sit down with President of Heartland Farm Partners, Jeff Peterson. Jeff gives us his thoughts on the current grain markets. Here is our conversation from Wednesday.