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Cattle Producers Pleased by Withdrawal of Anti-Free Market USDA Rule

The National Cattlemen’s Beef Association (NCBA) welcomed the withdrawal of the U.S. Department of Agriculture’s (USDA) proposed rule entitled “Fair and Competitive Livestock and Poultry Markets,” announced today by Agriculture Secretary Tom Vilsack. This harmful regulation would have dismantled current cattle marketing agreements, reversed decades of innovation in the cattle industry, and threatened producer profitability.

“Under the ‘Bidenomics’ agenda, USDA pushed regulations like this one which would have undermined the free market, harmed hardworking cattle producers, and far exceeded the agency’s authority granted by Congress,” said NCBA Executive Director of Government Affairs Tanner Beymer. “We are pleased that USDA recognized their failed approach and withdrew this rule.

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Lambs' First Days: Bonding, Care, and Family Groups

Video: Lambs' First Days: Bonding, Care, and Family Groups

Close monitoring of lambs in the early days is extremely important. Today on Ewetopia Farms, we dive into the critical first days of lambs' lives during winter lambing season. Starting with feeding routines and water management, we highlight the importance of claiming pens (or lambing jugs) in fostering mother-lamb bonding and ensuring the lambs' survival. Watch as we handle tagging, sorting, and addressing challenges like a ewe rejecting her lamb. From family group dynamics to playful lambs and frozen waterers, see how we navigate life on a busy sheep farm in Canada. Don’t miss the arrival of a new Dorset lamb, as the cycle of lambing continues. Join us for another eventful day of shepherding!